Guadeloupe Dredging Contractor
Gaudeloupe Dredging and Marine Services
Southern Dredging and Marine offers a variety of dredging and marine services in Guadelope. Our dredges are equipped with GPS Dredging Software Systems to monitor dredging locations and record the amount of materials dredged. We use both hydraulic cutterhead suction dredges and mechanical dredges floated on barges.

Gaudeloupe Dredging Services in the Caribbean
- Gaudeloupe Dredging
- Deepening harbors, marinas and channels for safer navigation
- Dredging Gaudeloupe ponds, lagoons, rivers and lakes to remove sand and silt buildup
- Land reclamation from the dredged/ excavated spoils
- Removal of industrial toxins from water bodies as well as restoration of natural water based ecosystems in Gaudeloupe.
Gaudeloupe Dredging and Marine Benefits
- We are committed to regular maintenance checks on our dredges and upgrade equipment regularly.
- Our operators are highly trained and follow HAZMAT safety procedures
- We strive to protect the environment we are dredging in and ensure little to no turbidity.
Gaudeloupe Dredging
Our Dredging Services include the following:
Gaudeloupe Professional Dewatering and Desilting
Dewatering and desilting services are essential for clients in Gaudeloupe who wish to retain the dredged spoils from the river bed or ocean floor. We use our specialized dredges to remove material from ponds, lakes, dams etc and pump them to holding areas where they are dewatered to recover the solids.
Gaudeloupe Shoreline Dredging
Our beach restoration dredging Gaudeloupe involves revitalization of the coastline and beaches that have lost their sand and become unsightly due to erosion and weather. We can either pump the dredge discharge into geotextile tubes for dewatering and dispersment or pump directly onto the beach. Contact us for more information on these services.
Hydrographic Surveying
Southern Dredging and Marine uses their Hydrographic Survey equipment to determine the dredging requirements and dredging performance. We also use our GPS enabled equipment and software for commercial hydrographic surveys, including mapping rivers and coastal shorelines and Sub Bottom Profiling.
Marine Services
Gaudeloupe Marine Construction
We offer a range of marine construction services in Gaudeloupe including harbor and dock construction, construction of shoreline erosion systems and other bank stabilization structures. We offer pile driving services with hydraulic hammer and vibratory pile driver.
Geotextile Tubes for Dredging
Southern Dredging and Marine offers the most efficient sludge dewatering process in Gaudeloupe, using geotextile tubes and bags to pump the dredge spoils into. Our geotextile tubes will quickly dewater the spoils, then can be cut open and the sand relocated for beach renewal.
Gaudeloupe Breakwaters
Breakwaters can be made of rubble mound, rip rap or geotextule tubes. Geotextile tubes filled with dredging spoils used for breakwaters can be armored with concrete mattresses.
Our Dredging Services for Gaudeloupe include Marinas, Lakes & Rivers, Docks & Piers, Canals & Water Ways, Retention Ponds, Ocean Harbors, Island Development, Lagoons, Reservoirs and Channels.
JV Partnerships
From time to time Southern Dredging & Marine will enter into a JV Partnernship with other contractor companies to expand our services offered forĀ a specific project. Our crew and subcontracgtors are thoroughly qualified and trained and abide by all our professionalism required of our employees.
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About us
Marine Dredging & Construction, Breakwaters, Beach Restoration, Geo Textiles Tubes
Contact us
Southern Dredging & Marine
3455 Peachtree Rd NE, Suite 500
Atlanta, GA 30326-3236
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